Cum files PSD / PNL people "this" do you have the system? It makes them consuls brother! Do you know what that consul is?
For stupidity: he tells them stupidly that he lost the fight. 😂 What to do with them? That’s it! As Iohannis would say, with an Ardenese accent: "Unlucky". By the way, has anyone heard of Iohannis? 😂
Predoiu, this peltic, this boy with white collars, if you hear him in interviews how dedicated he is to Romania, you want to take him home, nothing else!
Vote for the same PSD PNL for 35 years, or don’t show up to vote at all (put your foot in it to vote), and in this way you put brick by brick what it will be like in old age.
You and your children will end up old, at a hospital where the lady with the scythe walks and decides "due to lack of protocol"how much he got bored of you at ATI. Well again, as Iohannis would say, "Bad luck".
Wow, if only PSD were in power now, how much Bogdan Rares would foam at the mouth at the Reality… How much he would curse the corrupt and senseless PSD… Wow.
Have a wonderful St. Mary’s!
Let’s put a little one on the grill, one more cutlet, to the jmechera music, what the hell, let’s forget about our worries! Well, no!?
EDIT: If anyone imagines that they are making a mistake that party X or Y should be voted for instead of PSD or PNL, they are mistaken. If another party were to come tomorrow, and it turns out that it sticks to the same points, that one must be changed too! We, as simple people, can do nothing but change them quickly, like socks. We have no other levers. But even so, we don’t leave the same people in office. That’s the only way, with some luck, maybe we’ll come across some politicians who do what they have to, willingly, out of necessity. I kissed you!
😂🤣 Adrian Glugă, care a demisionat de la conducerea Poliției Constanța după tragedia de la 2 Mai, a ajuns consul în Pakistan. După demisie, Predoiu spunea că a pierdut lupta cu criminalitatea și cerea cercetarea lui
byu/Natural_Tea484 inRomania
Posted by Natural_Tea484
Japca si răsplata, e unul din moto-urile noastre
Specialii se sprijina intre ei si calca pe cadavre, marca PeNaLi
Recomand interviul lui Crin Antonescu, de ieri. După Crin, PNL se apropie de implozie. Va avea același destin ca PNT după Constantinescu, PDL după Băsescu. Sa ne pregătim de decenii de împliniri mărețe cu vechiul/noul PSD. Pas cu pas dragilor!