Plates covered to avoid a public lynching of an unknown person and potential land owner, I’m currently on the go and don’t have access to the cadastre to check. Mostly someone parked at the entrance to the smaller parking lot in Medveja next to the camp, so no one else can park there. I go there often and this is the first time I see something like that, usually 5-6 cars are parked. Do any of the locals know whose parking lot it is? Is this the next level of guarding not beach but parking spaces for a group of vehicles? On the beach, btw, classic, towels everywhere, no owners until rush hour
Posted by mckeksic
Meni ti to izgleda samo kao šupak kojem je tu zgodno parkirat. Zoveš policiju i riješiš problem.
Ovo izgleda neki austrijski seljak, verovatno je naš lik čim je ovoliko tupav za parkiranje, prijavi ga i rešiće ko god to treba rešavati