MAGA Election Official Immediately Spews Conspiracies After Conviction


  1. > “This is a sad day for our nation and the world. But we WILL win in the end. Keep the faith and continue to pray. Galatians 6:9 …let us not be weary in welldoing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not,” she added, before tagging far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, election denier Mike Lindell, and Trump supporter Elon Musk, among others.

    Quick! Move to Venezuela – Make **South** America Great Again along with your god emperor.



  2. BangerSlapper1 on

    Some take the fall for Trump because they are opportunists, short sighted as they may be, who are using Trump to get ahead in the political and right wing infotainment world.  

    Others are just morons who actually buy into this shit and have no qualms about ruining their lives over it. 

  3. jesseberdinka on

    The problem is all of their conspiracies are both boring and untrue, unlike my belief that Livenation had Betty White murdered.

  4. The_Arborealist on

    well, thats what sentencing is for, Tina.

    Bold strategy with the “I HAVE NO REMORSE” statements. Reckon that’ll win the judge over?

  5. Responsible-Room-645 on

    It’s nice to see that she’s come to her senses and taken responsibility for her actions. /s

  6. Let these unhinged Trumpers keep talking loud and clear for all to hear. Good people on both sides don’t you know! The “weird” label is sticking better and better all the time. Soon MAGA will claim all their crazy outspoken friends are Antifa plants or some shit. They’re probably already saying it lol.

  7. I hope when the judge sentences her, he tells her exactly how much more time he added for this bullshit.

  8. Don’t worry Tina! Mike Pillow will have evidence to exonerate you! Any day now! He may need a couple weeks, maybe a month, not more than six. But he’ll show it on for sure!

  9. Ah yes, the old “vote flipping” software. Trump won this woman’s county in 2020, but not by as many votes as she felt like he should have.

    In other words, Dominion or whatever deep state dark force is out there, programmed the software so that just enough votes would flip to Biden for Trump stooges to be suspicious but not by enough votes for Biden to win. Genius caper.

    These people have just totally lost the plot.

  10. Alt-accountsafety on

    It’s all in the play book. Lie, lie, lie, lie, and lie. You fire hose the narrative with misinformation/outright lies until everyone is numb to it. You cater to the fringe; creeping them every closer to the mainstream. It’s not that you’re teaching creationism, you’re teaching the “*controversy*.” It’s not white supremacy, it’s *taking* *pride* *in* *your* *heritage.* It’s not knee capping the government into oblivion, it’s *privatization* because market answers are more *efficient*. It’s not common sense gun regulation, “they’re coming for your guns!” It’s not man made climate change, it’s just *natural* *cycles*. It’s a conveyor belt of ideas designed to feed into people’s most selfish impulses.

  11. TemperatureEuphoric on

    You broke the law, bitch. This is what happens. How does Trump’s ass taste?!

  12. royhenderson771 on

    These traitors are so far gone that they are willing to end their careers, relationships, livelihoods and even die for Trump. There is no saving people like this. 

  13. Javasndphotoclicks on

    Imagine being stupid enough to go to prison for someone who doesn’t give a shit about you.

    It’s a sad day that you didn’t get 50 years instead of 20.

  14. 8FsK4eRz2iA0vUl on

    No remorse shown. The way of the GOP felons, traitors and frauds. Throw the book at every single one of these clowns!

  15. **PSA Constantly-Relevant Reminder** (w/ emphasis, mine):

    > *”One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth.* **The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.** *Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”*

    ~ Carl Sagan (from *The Demon-Haunted World*)

  16. The only way to secure our elections (what these nuts say they want anyway) is to make these sentences hurt. I hope they give her the maximum.
    Same for anyone trying to commit voter fraud. I don’t care if it’s for one vote. People should be scared to try it because the punishment is severe.

    I work as a poll worker often. Someone voting once asked me what’s to stop someone working there from changing votes. I said aside from all the technical safeguards none of us want to go to prison for changing a few votes. Then encouraged them to join us so they can see first hand how the process works.

  17. >“I’m taking a day off to grieve for the people that have been hurt by Dominion brand voting systems and the Secretary of State’s attorneys actions to steal their vote and their voice. I will continue to fight until the Truth is revealed that was not allowed to be brought during this trial,”

    Oh Tina, hon, you’re gonna have more than just a day off pretty soon.