Some time ago, a video of a farm popped up on my Instagram, it really looks like great food, nature… I’ve already decided that I’m going to go, just in time for this nice weather, but I can’t make it. And today they released a new video of them baking homemade buns in a fire oven and it caught my eye that they put some painted board in the fire… I commented, they blocked me, they left the video, because it looks ok. What do you think?

Posted by Leteca_Pegla


  1. MidgetMaster_101 on

    Dakle to je ista ova bagra sto lomi klupe po Beogradu samo u Vojvodini, e sve mogu da razumem, al ovo je van svake pameti, da pravis lepinje na zaru od gradske, drvene, braon klupe, ovo u najbizarnijim snovima ne moze da se ukaze.

    Daj ime te Zute kuce da im cica zove inspekciju za krsenje HACCAP-a da ih rastrgnemo jos imas i klip ovaj, to je bukvalno trovacnica u najmanju ruku, sledece je pita ispod gume i cevapi iz pepeljare.