The first time, and not the last time either. Businesswomen occupy public spaces, whether on the beach, in the parking lot, or on the sidewalk, and most are silent.
Just 1 week ago, I went to one of the last strips of a beach that until 1 year ago was public (Vlore), to see that private umbrellas were placed on a 1 meter wide strip (1000 lek umbrellas). There was a funny space where all the pensioners who go with bicycles and mothers and grandmothers with small children flocked. Good thing they were riding on top of each other, they were so tight.
When I asked them why they don’t do anything about the space that was occupied, normally the answer was yes "aman, he doesn’t know what you’re dealing with". And not without justice, as happened today with businessman Vasil Bedinaj, who owns 3 hotels and cruise ship businesses, who punched a vacationer in the eyes of his children and wife. It is inconceivable that such a person feels the need to intervene personally and physically abuse a person, no matter the reason why they had a conflict. Normally there is no fear of either denunciation or public opinion.
Well, let’s try the opposite. Below I am listing links to this gentleman’s hotels. I invite you to make one "to visit" businesses in gmaps, it’s the minimum we can do until these businesswomen come to their senses. It does not solve the problem as a whole, but it is better than being silent and opening the way for every thug and gangster to do whatever they want with the public. Thank you.
Posted by lorki00
Bravo per iniciativen, e di qe tingellon cinike, po nuk iu hyn gjemb n’ kemb ktyre nga _review-t_ o mik
Kjo është pjesë e turizmit elitar. Kur tjetër mund të marrësh adrenalin rush si në këtë rast?
Goditje me skuthe dhe bythqire s’kam pare ndonjehere.
Skemi ca ti bejme tjeter pervec review bomb. Megjithate le te bejme aq sa mundemi.
Done! Thank you for your service!
>E pakonceptueshme qe nje person i tille e ndjen te nevojshme te nderhyje personalisht dhe te dhunoje fizikisht nje person, **pak rendesi arsyeja se pse u konfliktuan**
e pakonceptueshme? jo. e papranueshme? 🤔
arsyeja s’ka rendesi? 🙃
Update, a me qa a me qesh!
Ate Reginen, ku ta kete
Modeli biznesmenit shqiptar 🤷♂️
I njejti brume si Mihali i Porto Palermos thjesht me nje çik me shume leke!
Ky dilte ne tv fliste per turizim elitar,eshte dhe kryetar i operatorve turistik,hajde thot sillni leket tek mua tju fus dhe nje rrahur!
Mihali nr 2.