Hi everyone, a mini series called. is available on RaiPlay [Sei pezzi facili](https://www.raiplay.it/programmi/seipezzifacili), are six theatrical pieces (approximately 1 hour long) written by Mattia Torre (one of the authors of Boris, who died in 2019), shot for TV by Paolo Sorrentino. In general they are all very beautiful, highly recommended, funny and brilliant, sometimes with unexpected reflections. But there is one in particular that – as a Calabrian – I really liked: ***456***, which represents a family from a generic southern area. The whole piece gives a truly spot-on representation of the hinterland mentality, and is recited in a fake dialect, I believe inspired by Calabrian, which I find brilliant in form. And so we come to the request for help: will it be possible to find the original text by Mattia Torre of the Six Easy Pieces, or at least 456? I would really like to read how it was written and see how much of that fake dialect is already in Torre’s text and how much comes from the interpretation of the actors (who are really very good, and 2 out of 4 were also in Boris). Thanks for any help, and if you don’t know what to do tonight, check out one of the pieces!


Posted by peppeuz


  1. Grazie per il consiglio, lo metto in playlist! In buca al lupo per la caccia alla sceneggiatura!

  2. EfficientAnimal6273 on

    Scrivere su Google

    Mattia torre 456

    Faceva fatica? Esiste sia come libro unico e facile anchesia dentro sette atti comici (purtroppo da Amazon non si vede l’indice).