Now we take him to find out what happens in the circus. All the media, VIPs and intellectuals have turned into gold lickers. All dinner programming disappears, starting with shows like “The Last Box”, “Who Will Be a Millionaire”, “Extreme”, educational shows, talent shows, to be replaced by “vipa” without a future, actors of unemployed, lickers and lovers of mobsters and politicians. 3-4 types of big brother vips, vip dance shows, vip prank shows, where some whores, who have never worked a day in their life, are assigned to play the role of “vip” and give opinions on social issues. While the “ordinary” Albanian people, those who keep these on their feet, who have a profession, who work every day without turning into the brushes of power, become the subject of ridicule in interviews under the Skanderbeg monument. The artificial increase of the “influence” of the pseudo-vips, being the only ones who rotate through these shows, first of all aims to change the concept of the vip, and makes the “random” Albanian feel even more random, because something random is being called a vip , and you who are probably much more important to the society and community, should treat that random as a vip and listen to the advice “messages”. “You just don’t put your panties down, or you have nowhere to put them down, so you’re not important.” In the second place, they cause even actors whom we grew up to respect, to be licked through different Big Brothers, for a job at Orange or a failure program of their own. And we have been waiting for these intellectuals (slaves of the power) to raise their voices against the power, because maybe they would be heard a little more, while they all dream of having a little of the fate of Ermal Beqë, Gaz Paja, Erion Veshderri, Bes Kallak and hundreds of others. I haven’t caught the time of the communist system, but now I’m starting to understand.
Posted by smokxn
Te drejte ke, po tani na bere te hyjme te shofim pse e kane perjashtuar Eglen xp
Qr… ke leju notification per balkanweb?🤣
Une te gjitha mediumet shoqerore perveç redditit i kam prishur. Madje edhe gazetat shqiptare s’i lexoj sepse jane komprometuara nga qeveritaret duke frenuar aftesine e gezetarise per tr hulumtuar dhe per te gjykuar te bemat e politikaneve. E njejta gje vlen pothuajse edhe per kanalet televizive shqiptare ku profesionalizohen formatet e kanagjegjeve dhe perballjeve testosteronike qe te marrin shikueshmeri te larte.
Keshtuqe, une do ia rekomandoja çdokujt t’i bojkotoje mediumet shqiptare dhe shoqerore sepse ky hap e permireson jashtezakonisht shume cilesine e perditeshmerise.
Probably one of the fewer non-sarcastic and non-cynical sidenotes I’ve given on here.
Nga ana tjeter ama kto emisionet i hapin syte shoqerise se i tregon qe kta qe i mbajme per vipa jane me vari karin nga intelekti se nje njeri pa arsim fare nderkohe qe kta kane mbaruar akademine e arteve ose ndonje fakuktet shumica . Ke debate ktu ne reddit qe ke qejf ti lexosh e meson dhe ndonje gje qe nuk e dije , nderkohe debatet e atyre ne nivel muhabetesh gjimnazi .
Haha. Pra nese larg qoft ndodh nje shperthim ose nje vrasje, News24 nuk e transmeton?
Nese i transmeton te dyja ateher ky postim bie bosht.
>Rritja artificiale e “influencës” së pseudo-vipave duke qenë te vetmit që rrotullohen nëpër këto emisione, në rradhë të parë synon të ndryshojë konceptin e vipit
I njejti koncept si ne gjith boten. Pse, Egla ne gjith planetin vip to konsiderohej. Aktore teatri. Nga athina e lasht deri ne broadway, vipa jan aktoret e teatrit.
Dhe humoristet vipa jan ne gjith boten.
Ku eshte ndryshimi i konceptit?
Nuk esht aq e thell plako. Merr klikime prandaj postohet si lajm. Nqs ndodh Gerdec i dyt, perseri do vinte si notification. Duhet te mohoj nje Media online te ardhura, per arsye triviale?
Unr kam vite qe nuk shikoj asnje media shqiptare
Ata do mbushin faqen se duhet “Content” po ca do bëjmë për “Lajmet” që shesin si arritje të madhe artikujt e paguar me lekë taksash nëpër gazeta të ndryshme jashtë shtetit??
Të paktën të vendosin një “Sponsored Content” mbi lajmin që japin…