Hello everyone,

just came to warn about Flora.ba page. I was looking for a perfume to give as a gift and came across the site. It looks ok, the truth is if you take a closer look there are a few signs that something is wrong, but it’s easy to be smart after a scam.

In short, when you place an order, payment is made by cash on delivery. They even call with viber flora.ba profile as if to confirm the number. In two days, the perfume will arrive by post, payment by cash on delivery when the wrong perfume inside, fake.

I’m writing this post so that others will be on the lookout and that I will send the result to someone else.

Flora.ba – Scam
byu/Routine_Safe6294 inbih

Posted by Routine_Safe6294


  1. stvarna_imaginacija on

    Joj oni meni uvijek šalju promociju na mail, ne sjećam se kad sam se prijavila 😁

  2. YoungManiac01 on

    Ovi izgleda bas zakucali sa prevarom, ali cim vidim da je Sauvage EDP 100ml 135km odmah znam da je neki scam, ali bas se trude da ne izgleda kao da je scam.

    Inače kod najjeftinijih ovih preprodavaca a da su provjereni kosta 210km, a vjerujem da je u parfimeriji nekih 100 km vise.