No fines or anyone getting fired? Wtf is this “apology”? It isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
sexy_claude_franck on
Then at least they should apologize on TV, what a shit show
ikbeninsertnamehere on
What was said on TV?
Unhappy-Support1455 on
strange_eauter on
BOK niyə fransız tv üçün bağışlayır? Telekanalı dövlətdir, qoy Fransanın səfəri bağışlasın. Ciddi cavab verməliyik, o vaxtacan bunlar bizi hörmət etməyəcəklər
Expensive_Dentist270 on
Who cares about an ‘apology’ on paper when they broadcast propaganda to millions of people?
kilkiski on
Ne dediler?
ViktorTwo on
It is ok guys, they 4 FULL YEARS to prepare for Olympics
MRasdas on
I want to post this on r/europe and see the results
anonymous5555555557 on
Standard operating procedure for propagandists. They lie loudly and apologize quietly.
xicexdejavu on
You pretend you are right and we pretend we apologize, sounds fair
No fines or anyone getting fired? Wtf is this “apology”? It isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Then at least they should apologize on TV, what a shit show
What was said on TV?
BOK niyə fransız tv üçün bağışlayır? Telekanalı dövlətdir, qoy Fransanın səfəri bağışlasın. Ciddi cavab verməliyik, o vaxtacan bunlar bizi hörmət etməyəcəklər
Who cares about an ‘apology’ on paper when they broadcast propaganda to millions of people?
Ne dediler?
It is ok guys, they 4 FULL YEARS to prepare for Olympics
I want to post this on r/europe and see the results
Standard operating procedure for propagandists. They lie loudly and apologize quietly.
You pretend you are right and we pretend we apologize, sounds fair