Like I can criticise airport staff for pushing around Kosovas president.

Why Afrim Gashi went there in the first place, beating his chest trying to find the "culprit"?

What’s up with his attitude acting like he owns Macedonia or the airport 🤣

ТАВ Македонија за инцидентот на скопскиот аеродром: Спроведена е стандардна безбедносна проверка на претседателката на Косово

Posted by blitzdisease


  1. Because Kosovar Albanians come from the mountains, no culture, no civilized conversations, just a bunch of peasants with no manners, nothing good to speak off.

    *Note im specifically saying Kosovar’s because I’m friends with many Albanians from Macedonia who have lived here for generations, as well as Albanians from Albania, the difference is night and day, a bunch of uncivilized swines compared to actual normal human beings.

  2. AggressiveWorry9492 on

    Honestly, all of us act hostile against each other. We survived together through wars, occupations, and invasions, and now, these politicians are doing their best to create instability. By law, everyone’s cell phone needs to go through security. If there are exceptions for government officials, I’m sure the employee wasn’t informed. He thought she was arrogant, not following the protocol, she though he was arrogant, not knowing she was exempt from that. Too bad they made a huge deal out of nothing.