Why do we relativize everything? I see in many discussions, but also in the comments here, that everyone has it on the tip of their tongue that “this is how it is everywhere”. Medemek we are the same as France, England, America; Nothing strange or out of the ordinary happens here?

Do we like to lie to ourselves or have we really been lied to so hard that we feel biologically obligated to say that everything is fine?

To show how abnormal we are, I am attaching a modest snippet of Dun & Bradstreet.

Maybe we are normal hours. Tell me that I and these Americans could be wrong.

Change my mind.


Posted by Spiritual_Wedding445

1 Comment

  1. Te vetmit rating qe kane vlere jane te parase/credit rating.

    Money doesn’t like increased political risk. Au contraire, mon amis!

    S&P Global, Moody’s, Fitch na kane bere upgrade. Wall Street thote jemi me mire se vjet.

    Ne te tre ratings qe permenda kemi rritje pozitive.

    Sa per ket rating qe po na e tregon, nuk di ku e ke gjetur, but as long as it rocks your boat, it’s fine with me.

    Edit: gabime shtypi, se s’i kisha gjyslyqet