Late yesterday evening, Andrea Joly, a journalist for La Stampa, was attacked in via Cellini outside the Asso di Bastoni, a club historically frequented by far-right supporters and activists. A video filmed by the reporter himself, who happened to be passing by, immortalizes the moment when the activists approach him and ask: “Are you one of us?”, then react as soon as they realize that Joly has nothing to do with them.
The gathering last night in front of the Asso di Bastoni was for the club’s 16th anniversary party
The scenes that were seen, and which were filmed by residents of the area, are disturbing: dozens of people occupy the street with smoke bombs and fireworks while hymns to the Duce and Faccetta Nera are sung.
Posted by giuliomagnifico
Pazzesco, sti qua fanno un casino in strada con grida e fumogeni, uno passa di lì per caso e ovviamente incuriosito tira fuori il telefono e filma. E loro ti prendono a calci perchè lo fai… se questi di Casa Pound non vogliono attirare gente che gira video fai ste pagliacciate al chiuso (o meglio, non le fai).
Forse alla domanda.. “sei dei nostri?”, non era una buona idea rispondere.. “no no, io sono uno normale”.
Che merde, i topi di fogna neanche si nascondono più ormai.