Finally, Shkodra will have its own tower, like every modern city. An intertwining of the new with the old, of culture with modern economic activities (💦💶). Now people from Shkodran do not have to walk only horizontally on the pedestrian walkway, but have the unique opportunity to walk vertically for those late afternoon walks.

How does it look?

Posted by hendriredd


  1. e kisha degjuar qe me kan shkodran tana i ban, por qe dilnin shetitje vertikale si burri merimong, se kisha menduar…

  2. Fuzzy-Tale8267 on

    Communist way of destroying something that already has cultural value, such as Hotel Rozafa.

    In doing so, Rama and Beci get a kickback from the construction company and the architectural firm. The money from this project comes from the citizens of the country who still beg for drinking water in 2024.

  3. Keshtu eshte kur afer 90% e popullates e ke Drogaxhi, shko pin drog biri botes ka nje acid trip dhe hajt shko puno ndertesa qe ka pamjen sikur ke pire shrooms

  4. O Edi Rama mos te lesha rob pa ti sha. Po ate majen e kulles si bosh e ke ba shtese pa leje a? Nejse meqe ke 11 vjet qe po e shkel Shkodren me kam myte krejt bjeri.

  5. Fuzzy-Negotiation167 on

    Eshte planifikuar ca do behet me Shqiperin. 5 Qytete do jen ne vend. Shkoder, Durres, Tirana, Vlora dhe Fieri. Qytetet e tjera nuk do jen me pas 100 vitesh, do i fshijn nga harta, e kan caktuar territorin e kan copetuar vendin.

  6. Me çka po shof kjo kulle po bahet mbas turizmit, perballe kafes te madhe, pikerisht aty ku u hap sheshi per 1 apo 2 pallate 7 katshe mos gaboj kur ishte Pd ne pushtet, dhe socialistat akuzuan me te madhe se po prishet arkitektura e rruges muzeale te Kol Idromenos.

    Ndersa sot me kte monster betonit, pa asnji lloj lidhjet me arkitekturen e zones ma tbukur nShkoder po e shkaterrojne dhe po e kthejne ne simotren e Tr te lalit.


  7. KingOfTheNightfort on

    Tmerr. Si nuk projektuan nje here sic duhet, nuk e di. Njerez pa kulture.