Is this Legit?

Posted by _SPARKii_


  1. ForsakenMarzipan3133 on

    Almost definitely a scam. If you did order something and know it will be delivered by DHL, I’d contact them directly to ask about this (don’t click the link from the text message!)

  2. Unknown-Gamer-YT on

    Usually they would have the delivery number but always just check through their official website not link

  3. 100% a scam, not ‘almost definitely’.
    In what world would DHL send you a message from an Indonesian mobile number?

    Any message from DHL will say DHL in the sender information, instead of a number, let alone a mobile number!

    If you really must, you can click on the link and see where it goes to, as long as you don’t type in anything you should be fine. You should then be able to identify if the URL ends on (or country equivalent), or even their own TLD which ends on .dhl. Anything else is a scam, if you’re not sure you can always post the URL here (not the shorted URL from your text message, of course).

  4. Capitano-Solos-All on

    Ισχύει. Επήα κι εγώ μια φορά και εδώκαν μου μια Lamborghini όπως εκείνη που εκέρδισε ο Φειδίας στο βίντεο του Μr Beast. Eπούλησα την και κατεβαίνω για Πρόεδρος το 2028 κι εγώ εναντίον Χριστοδουλίδη, Αννίτας Δημητρίου, Χρήστου Χρήστου, Ούτοπου, Παπαδόπουλου και Κωστή που τα Γκάζια. Πιστεύκω έχω πιθανότητες και στον 2ο γύρο περνώ εγώ και ο Ούτοπος. Ε εκεί θα παιχτούν ούλλα.

  5. 100% Scam… DHL would send you a text with your package number asking you to confirm delivery.