Over time, there have been attempts to build cars in Estonia as well, and last weekend the police caught the eye of a motorized sofa prototype participating in public traffic.
The engineers who created the vehicle were confident in their achievement and skipped the test trials in the closed area and came to perform the tests directly in the busiest place in the city of Tallinn. However, the policemen who evaluated the test found a number of shortcomings in the vehicle, and after familiarizing themselves with various rules, the testers also realized that testing the prototype in this way was not the most successful idea.
Fortunately for the testers, they had chosen such components for the prototype, in which the manufacturer’s speed and engine power did not yet reveal the dimensions of the motor vehicle, and this testing did not bring any major problems.
Attention all Jaan Tatikas and Saalomon Vesipruulis❗ Before you plan to participate in public traffic with your inventions, make sure that the vehicle complies with all legal provisions.
Safe driving and happy inventing❗🙂
Tallinnas diivan-sõidukiga ringi rallinud mehed võeti rajalt maha
byu/frogingly_similar inEesti
Posted by frogingly_similar
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Kuna artiklis oli kirjas, et võimsust on tollel nii vähe, et läheb pmst samasse kategooriasse, kus on igast tõuksid ja elektrirattad, siis tõenäoliselt on puudu tulukesed/helkurid ja võibolla veel paar vidinat.