Hello. I would like a 20k loan for the construction of a new side of the house. Where did you get the best offer for a loan of around this size? Lhv offers an interest rate of 17.9 and for the longest period (120 months) the monthly payment will be €360. "small loans" so expensive?


Posted by Personal_Natural_448


  1. Affectionate-Habit94 on

    Kodu väikelaen, swedist oleks ehk parem valik. Intress alates 7,9% ütleb koduleht. Endal on mul 9.90%

  2. Eesti väikelaenud on juba pikalt olnud kalliduse poolest Euroopa top 3s. Sul ei jää nagunii muud üle kui küsida kõikidelt pakkujatelt ja seejärel kaubelda nendega.