While I don’t agree with much of the content of this very politicised event, I find the accusation of satanic ans/or occult content quite ridiculous. However, the fact that taxpayers are able to vote on the question of whether they want to spend 20-40mio CHF in subsidies seems more than legitimate to me.
Eskapismus on
Just tell them it’s Fasnacht
mouzonne on
I mean, pls just stay out of Bern, I don’t want the traffic.
purring_brib on
Stupidity has no limits apparently.
zailor22 on
We have a party in government that seems to think magic is real. What is the “occult” in this situation outside of a performative aesthetic?
Do they really think someone will lose morals or forget their religion or go crazy because they see a performer in a costume? Of course not.
This is bullshit and they know it, there is no way that the places actually capable of hosting Eurovision (Geneva, Basel, Zurich) pass such a silly referendum. This is a front. So they plan on presenting it as a referendum on “budgeting”.
It’s dishonest performative politics to take attention away from real policy. Just like the Schwurbler referendum last month that was never going to pass.
Puubuu on
Findi nöd falsch, wens dutzendi vo millione wend usgä, sött de stüürzaller scho sin senf döfe dezuegä. Susch chans ja au s srf zalle.
Dogahn on
Pretty sure most of these statements are just pandering to their supporters. They make a big statement about opposing this or that, get some easy media coverage, and other like minded people can more easily find them. Something like dog whistling but less destructive.
Which is kind of funny, cause that goes for all the “satanist and occultists” too. So long as you keep multiple ideologies competing in the political space it should sort itself out.
roat_it on
Oh joy, the Fundamentalists are at it again proclaiming the End of the World as we Know It because someone isn’t living up to Iron Age gender roles.
As usual.
And, as usual, SVP is piggybacking, as they are wont to do, when culture wars talking points lend themselves to whipping up a bit of outrage in their constituency and the wider populace.
And, as usual, FDP & the selfsame SVP will *also* be outspoken in public and discreetly active in the lobbies of the various councils, about how much money and Arbeitsplätze the event will bring to the local economy.
And, as usual, a concordate of left-wing groups will form who protest the non-sustainable Capitalism, the violations of noise regulations, traffic regulations, citizen’s rights and labour laws, and the emissions of it all.
And, as usual, the hotel, gastro and AirBnB industries will do their bit in favour of the Big Crowd Drawing Event, talking about how it will raise the profile of the region and create jobs.
And, as usual, the public will cough up the costs (traffic rerouting, policing, cleanup etc. ) in taxes, and private enterprise will pocket the profits (Logiernächte and gastro around them, earplugs sold, cleanup contracts sold to the location’s administration at premium prices, etc.).
And this time next year, as the news cycle slows for summer holidays, we’ll be having this exact heated discussion about another Big Event the year after.
SnooBooks3514 on
So that’s why we pay serafe? 😂
ExperienceInitial364 on
Satanic Panic is back ✨
san_murezzan on
I don’t care for Eurovision but this person is lame
honeytrap93 on
satanism and occultism?? ok chill bro ESC is not that good
No_Radish578 on
I mean the satanic shit this year was a bit much, ngl. But still, why would you ban it, just don’t watch it lol
Prestigious-Scene319 on
Do people still watch Eurovision?
Huwbacca on
Ah Europe’s Texas.
Flags on houses, guns in wardrobes, an disportionate focus of public time and and media attention on religious views, and potatoes in every foreign cuisine.
Scannaer on
FYI there are a bunch of christians across the world, obviously this includes switzerland, which actually believe that there is satanism, occultism and baby-slaughtering underground organizations. Those more extreme christians you might have heard about in the last years can actually become dangerous to the people surrounding them.
I know because they personally told me they belive such things. The wouldn’t budge even when I asked them for evidence, which I was never shown. According to them “it’s just true”.
They even think that stuff like tibet flags or any non-christian signs are “from the devil”. Or they believe cancer can be healed by faith.. killing people through pressuring them to not seek medical support. And do I need to add which groups belive in taking away peoples bodily autonomy?
It’s one of many reasons why we need to separate the state from religion even more. And why our laws to protect religion also needs to include “freedom AWAY FROM religion”
morgulbrut on
We now need to make Zeal & Ardor our official candidate. Just to mess with them.
DevelopmentSimple626 on
What the hell is even that?
cocojamboyayayeah on
not a huge fan or anything of this dude but the fact that he is triggering some fundamentalists is a big W
batikfins on
Kind of an own goal from the far right because they’re making Eurovision sound cool as hell and it ain’t
MatureHotwife on
Even if it did celebrate Satanism, I don’t see why that would be an issue if celebrating other mythologies is totally fine. I mean, this politician is literally member of a party that celebrates a mythology. Freedom of religion is part of our constitution and that includes Satanism. As long as it’s practiced within the law you should be able to believe and express whatever.
It’s always the same with the Christians. They want freedom of religion, as long as it’s Christianity.
And then he dares to call it an “intellectual decline” while he himself believes that the universe was made by a sky daddy in a week?
Cursed1978 on
Without me pls.
VoidDuck on
Hail Satan!
paparothbard on
Any reason to block eurovision is a good reason
SwissPewPew on
So the next Eurovision Song Contest is gonna be a Heavy Metal Special? Awesome! 🤘🏻😈
wait until they find out about the gotthard ceremony 🤣
nocturne505 on
They’d better come up with something more creative than “sATaniSm” to bash Nemo. I mean guys… seriously?
Classic-Increase938 on
A good idea, many will support it. There is no way that such things are paid by taxpayers.
Classic-Increase938 on
This shouldn’t be financed from taxpayer money. If they do it from public money, a referendum should be organized. I am sure it will be rejected. After all, the olympic games were rejected on the same reason. Let the bankrupt EU countries organize and pay for it.
Unslaadahsil on
We’re becoming more and more like the USA and that’s a very bad thing.
Whatever who watches this show anyway
What morons… made me think of this scene
sure grandma, let’s get you to bed!
TL;DR: “Swiss right” = 1 Christian politician.
While I don’t agree with much of the content of this very politicised event, I find the accusation of satanic ans/or occult content quite ridiculous. However, the fact that taxpayers are able to vote on the question of whether they want to spend 20-40mio CHF in subsidies seems more than legitimate to me.
Just tell them it’s Fasnacht
I mean, pls just stay out of Bern, I don’t want the traffic.
Stupidity has no limits apparently.
We have a party in government that seems to think magic is real. What is the “occult” in this situation outside of a performative aesthetic?
Do they really think someone will lose morals or forget their religion or go crazy because they see a performer in a costume? Of course not.
This is bullshit and they know it, there is no way that the places actually capable of hosting Eurovision (Geneva, Basel, Zurich) pass such a silly referendum. This is a front. So they plan on presenting it as a referendum on “budgeting”.
It’s dishonest performative politics to take attention away from real policy. Just like the Schwurbler referendum last month that was never going to pass.
Findi nöd falsch, wens dutzendi vo millione wend usgä, sött de stüürzaller scho sin senf döfe dezuegä. Susch chans ja au s srf zalle.
Pretty sure most of these statements are just pandering to their supporters. They make a big statement about opposing this or that, get some easy media coverage, and other like minded people can more easily find them. Something like dog whistling but less destructive.
Which is kind of funny, cause that goes for all the “satanist and occultists” too. So long as you keep multiple ideologies competing in the political space it should sort itself out.
Oh joy, the Fundamentalists are at it again proclaiming the End of the World as we Know It because someone isn’t living up to Iron Age gender roles.
As usual.
And, as usual, SVP is piggybacking, as they are wont to do, when culture wars talking points lend themselves to whipping up a bit of outrage in their constituency and the wider populace.
And, as usual, FDP & the selfsame SVP will *also* be outspoken in public and discreetly active in the lobbies of the various councils, about how much money and Arbeitsplätze the event will bring to the local economy.
And, as usual, a concordate of left-wing groups will form who protest the non-sustainable Capitalism, the violations of noise regulations, traffic regulations, citizen’s rights and labour laws, and the emissions of it all.
And, as usual, the hotel, gastro and AirBnB industries will do their bit in favour of the Big Crowd Drawing Event, talking about how it will raise the profile of the region and create jobs.
And, as usual, the public will cough up the costs (traffic rerouting, policing, cleanup etc. ) in taxes, and private enterprise will pocket the profits (Logiernächte and gastro around them, earplugs sold, cleanup contracts sold to the location’s administration at premium prices, etc.).
And this time next year, as the news cycle slows for summer holidays, we’ll be having this exact heated discussion about another Big Event the year after.
So that’s why we pay serafe? 😂
Satanic Panic is back ✨
I don’t care for Eurovision but this person is lame
satanism and occultism?? ok chill bro ESC is not that good
I mean the satanic shit this year was a bit much, ngl. But still, why would you ban it, just don’t watch it lol
Do people still watch Eurovision?
Ah Europe’s Texas.
Flags on houses, guns in wardrobes, an disportionate focus of public time and and media attention on religious views, and potatoes in every foreign cuisine.
FYI there are a bunch of christians across the world, obviously this includes switzerland, which actually believe that there is satanism, occultism and baby-slaughtering underground organizations. Those more extreme christians you might have heard about in the last years can actually become dangerous to the people surrounding them.
I know because they personally told me they belive such things. The wouldn’t budge even when I asked them for evidence, which I was never shown. According to them “it’s just true”.
They even think that stuff like tibet flags or any non-christian signs are “from the devil”. Or they believe cancer can be healed by faith.. killing people through pressuring them to not seek medical support. And do I need to add which groups belive in taking away peoples bodily autonomy?
It’s one of many reasons why we need to separate the state from religion even more. And why our laws to protect religion also needs to include “freedom AWAY FROM religion”
We now need to make Zeal & Ardor our official candidate. Just to mess with them.
What the hell is even that?
not a huge fan or anything of this dude but the fact that he is triggering some fundamentalists is a big W
Kind of an own goal from the far right because they’re making Eurovision sound cool as hell and it ain’t
Even if it did celebrate Satanism, I don’t see why that would be an issue if celebrating other mythologies is totally fine. I mean, this politician is literally member of a party that celebrates a mythology. Freedom of religion is part of our constitution and that includes Satanism. As long as it’s practiced within the law you should be able to believe and express whatever.
It’s always the same with the Christians. They want freedom of religion, as long as it’s Christianity.
And then he dares to call it an “intellectual decline” while he himself believes that the universe was made by a sky daddy in a week?
Without me pls.
Hail Satan!
Any reason to block eurovision is a good reason
So the next Eurovision Song Contest is gonna be a Heavy Metal Special? Awesome! 🤘🏻😈
PS: Play [Jaja Ding Dong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlBUH8zMZng) !!!
wait until they find out about the gotthard ceremony 🤣
They’d better come up with something more creative than “sATaniSm” to bash Nemo. I mean guys… seriously?
A good idea, many will support it. There is no way that such things are paid by taxpayers.
This shouldn’t be financed from taxpayer money. If they do it from public money, a referendum should be organized. I am sure it will be rejected. After all, the olympic games were rejected on the same reason. Let the bankrupt EU countries organize and pay for it.
We’re becoming more and more like the USA and that’s a very bad thing.