Hi guys, I’ll try to summarize all the important information in one place:

Activists of the Association Ne damo Jadar, i.e. the residents of Gornji Nedeljica, who have been fighting against Rio Tinto and lithium mining for years, today organized a reactive protest – a blockade of the railway to Loznica.

Why did they organize the blockade?

Rio Tinto submitted an initiative to the Constitutional Court regarding the Government’s decision from 2022 to cancel the Jadar project and the accompanying spatial plan. As everyone justifiably suspects, the cancellation was a charade and the Government made a lot of technical and administrative errors and oversights in order to leave room for the cancellation of the decision. Just today, it became known that the decision goes to the Constitutional Court – and the locals reactively organized a short-term protest and blocked the railway as a warning sign to the Constitutional Court, but also to all other institutions, not to play with returning the spatial plan for the Jadar Project.

Who was arrested and for what?

Nebojša Petković, one of the most visible activists from Nedeljice, was arrested. In the previous days, the president himself targeted him and his wife and accused them of taking dogs from Rio Tinto and selling the land themselves. After he invited them to take a polygraph and to choose where and when, they accepted and asked for it to be on RTS with the presence of independent media. The next day, the president withdrew his word and offer, disclaiming that he did not mean them when he said that, even though he had previously called them by name.

Nebojša was arrested for an alleged attack on the police, and he denies it, as can be heard in the noise from this recording.

What next?

Locals and activists who gathered near the railroad announced that the protest would continue until Nebojša was freed, which was an obvious own goal by the police and the regime because the protest would have ended earlier and less would have been heard about it if they had not acted this way.

There are rumors that the police want to arrest more local activists, especially Zlatko Kokanović.

We remain on alert, and I will try to inform you about everything in a timely manner. I invite other breeders who know the details to get involved.


Posted by pricac_dpm


  1. Srećno braćo i sestre, ne znam da li da vam savetujem da se mlatite s policijom, ili da imate advokata iste sekunde kad vas tako na blef privedu. Ali sve snimajte definitivno.

  2. Nisam u toku, po tvojoj objavi ovo je “good guy” ali ne vidim potrebu da se gura sa policijom.

    Vrv ću da budem downvotovan, ali ne znam šta drugo može da očekuje nego da ga privedu?

  3. ChapterSea2685 on

    Ma i ove pandure treba jebati isto rade u korist okupiranja nase zemlje brane vlast koja sve rasprodaje i jjih mi je vise pun kurac ko i ovih sa kosova sto su pukli dole jer su sve prodali a sad se prave mutavi ovde po bg u jebem ti ceo narod izdajnicki vise svima im treba jebati majku ne treba nama neprijatelj pored ovoliko domacih izdajnika

  4. Ovo je strasno,do sada je bilo maltretiranja naroda,ali zbog rio tinta videćemo koliko će daleko da ide ova vlast …

  5. VasicBranislavJNS on

    Ovo na kraju kao da je neko krenuo da vadi automat I krenula revolucija lol

  6. Equivalent_Prior7576 on

    Nenasilni protest nikad nista nije resio. Narocito ovde nece resiti gde su milijarde u igri. Ili narod da skupi muda i pruzi jak otpor ili neka sedi do sudnjeg dana na stiroporu.

  7. ConnectionOptimal on

    Treba da se okupimo sa kukom i motikom sledeci put da to bude organizovanije pa da vidimo ima li nas da branimo ognjista ili ni kurcu ne sluzimo iskreno ovaj miran protest od 2h koliko je trebao da traje zavrsio je tako sto su dosli policajci u civilu i napravili fijasko da se uhapse dva glavna seljanima iz gornjih nedeljica jer su najuticajniji bili na ovom skupu. Inace do malo pre sam bio prisutan istom necete verovati kakvi su ovi kerovi govna od ljudi mamu im jebem

  8. NecuException on

    Bice haos.
    Prosli put bilo je preko 400 000 u Bg i smrdljiva opozicija se stavila da razvodni sve.

    Niko nece da mu unuci umiru od kancera.

  9. Pusti to sta se desava u Nedeljicama, zar ne vidis da nam ubijaju zandarme samostrelima?!?!?!

  10. Medium-Ad-5171 on

    Nema nista od vecih protesta jer obican narod ni ne zna sta se desava. Rezimski mediji ne izvestavaju o tome.

    Nazalost deluje da je sve vec zavrsena stvar.
    Daj boze da gresim.

  11. LowRepublic7904 on

    Za 2-3 dana sve će biti zaboravljeno kao i Ribnikar, kao i Mladenovac

    Bussiness as usuall

  12. xesnoteleks on

    Hvala na informacijama. Samo molim OPa i njegove ortake da ne sjebu priču sa umetničkim performansima.