Volunteers from the Temple of the Lost Future attacked by a group of Bavarians who had blocked Via Nono with trucks and luxury cars during charity deliveries: "They shouted at us ‘Gay shit’"
“We in Italy do what the f… we want”. They were Germans and in fact they kept their word: not content with blocking via Luigi Nono with a truck without any kind of authorization, nor with calling people like «Gay of sh…» whoever asked them to move, a dozen or so neo-Nazi-scented thugs from a Bavarian troupe on a trip to Milan thought it best to attack a volunteer by punching and pushing him. Result: 15 days of prognosis.
What happened on Monday morning in front of the Wall of Kindness, run by the Temple of the Lost Future — a cultural center that in 2023 won the municipal tender for the concession use of the abandoned spaces of the former Fabbrica del Vapore occupied in 2018 —, where every day clothes and food are distributed to the neediest.
It all happened around 10.40, a few minutes after the service opened to the public, when the dozens of people queuing in front of the Wall to receive assistance were obscured by the shadow of two trucks that stopped right in front of the entrance to the association. About ten members of Lion’s Run emerge from the engines.a multimedia agency from Munich specializing in the promotion of luxury car brands, while a host of Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porscheimmortalized through a real photo shoot in the middle of the roadway.
«At that point, three of us went out into the street to politely ask them to move somewhere else, the drivers in the queue were starting to get impatient – he says Alessandro Vaccari, 31 years old, volunteer at the Temple —. We tried to explain that this behavior was dangerous (in that stretch cars travel at high speed – ed.) and completely out of place, since the ostentation of luxury cars was not in keeping with the needy people queuing to receive basic necessities”. No way: at the first objection the German group responded by claiming the right to “to do whatever he wants in Italy”to the second he opposes the fact that patience, they have money in spades instead.
At that point the situation degenerates: « They called us communists, filled us with homophobic insults and asked us if our cultural center wasn’t actually a brothel for homosexuals. — Vaccari reports — after which they called two bodyguards in camouflage gear, who came out of the truck and, without saying a word, first pushed me, making me fall violently to the ground, and then hit me with two punches in the stomach and in the side».
The litany of insults and insinuations continues unabated until the arrival of the Carabinieri, who identify the attackers a short distance away, near the Hotel Viu. «I’m in shock, I had to urgently see a psychologist — concludes Vaccari —. I have bruises all over my body but what hurts me the most is the humiliation I suffered». Wounds. In the body and in the soul.
Instagram posts of the association
I have summarized and translated (with the help of GPT) the news into German and posted it also in r/Germany to try to give visibility to the story also in Germany, since the authors of the attack, here in Italy, claim they can do whatever they want… If you want to upvote to help give visibility to the story, this is the post on r/Germany:
Post in r/europe : https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1ducpgx/german_lions_run_participants_in_italy_state_we/
Posted by ploz
Hanno scelto bene. A Milano la Regione non ha neanche dato il patrocinio al Gay Pride, perche’ divisivo. Riceveranno una medaglia dalla Sora Giorgia e il capitone
Ma una bella spedizione punitiva? Sarebbe fico
Il terzo link è morto (quello il cui rigo comincia con ://)
Per il resto che dire, mostri e barbari incivili che dovrebbero essere allontanati dalla società. Sarebbe ironico e giusto sequestrare le auto di lusso, venderle e poi devolvere il ricavato all’associazione. Anche sbattere in galera i suddetti, ovviamente.
Letteralmente squadrismo, ma alla fine come potergli dare torto riguardo a le parole che ha usato quando i suoi compari sono al potere qui da noi?
Karl Popper, col suo paradosso della tolleranza, ci aveva azzeccato appieno.
1. hanno detto “qui facciamo quello che vogliamo”
2. hanno fatto quello che hanno voluto
3. non ci saranno conseguenze
insomma avevano ragione fin dall’inizio