Switzerland falls behind in attractiveness for expats


Posted by BezugssystemCH1903

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    >__Switzerland is less popular than ever with foreign professionals, according to a survey by the expat platform Internations. Despite the high quality of life, many skilled workers find it difficult to make friends in Switzerland.__

    >According to a survey published on Wednesday, Switzerland was ranked 34th out of a total of 53 countries, compared to 23rd last year.

    >The country continued to score points for its quality of life and wage levels. However, respondents rated the aspects of housing and social life as rather difficult.

    >The housing situation was a headache for many expats. Around 63% rated the cost of housing negatively.

    >The overall poor result is also due to the lack of openness of the population. Expats have difficulties getting used to the local culture and do not feel welcome in the country.

    >At 46%, less than half felt that people in Switzerland are friendly towards foreigners. And 62% stated that it was difficult to make local friends.

    >Financially, however, most expats are satisfied with their situation. As many as 58% stated that they had a gross annual income of at least 100,000 dollars.

    >Foreign professionals also rate the technical and administrative aspects of life in Switzerland positively. For example, the easily accessible broadband internet, access to online services and the availability of administrative services on the internet were praised.