The sterilized cat, gray in color, has a small hole on the left eye. The cat that I left for care and was paid for it disappeared due to their carelessness. He disappeared the day before the storm and they didn’t find him for 36 hours after they just informed me that he was missing. Even blacker I’m on a journey and now I’m coming back to look for him. Any help would be appreciated. The location of the disappearance is Vardenička Street on NBG, relatively close to the Stara Bežanija tavern. Posts were made on Facebook groups and sent to Veterina. His name is Griša or Gari, but unfortunately he doesn’t like strangers very much, so he will only respond to that response from his family members. The finder will receive a reward. Thank you!

Posted by Unngenant


  1. OddAssociation2000 on

    Imam isto ruskog macora koji se takodje zove Grisa 🙁 Nadam se da ces ga pronaci, nisam iz BG ali udaram komentar cisto zbog vidljivosti

  2. Holiday_Tea_4141 on

    Podižem temu. Možda ga neko prepozna. 
    Pogotovo zbog te rupice na uhu. 
    Koliko je star? 

  3. Op ako hoćeš mogu da ti pošaljem listu fb grupa posvecenih ljubiteljima mačaka, da probaš da okačiš informacije na što više mesta. A te ljude što su mačka “čuvali” staviti javno na stub srama.

    Zaista se nadam da ćeš ga naći!

  4. I moj nestao 15 Januara, samo otišao… Nabavio sam drugog u međuvremenu, doduše polu rus je ovaj