Hi guys!
Just drove 700kms yesterday to get this beauty named Maya, she is 2 months old next week. I’m looking for the best insurance overall, and it seems my insurance company doesn’t have a pet option (Assura), and I have a few questions..
– which insurance company do you use and how much do you pay?
– can I make the insurance before first vaccinations and chip implant, so the bill already falls into the insurance, or do they only accept the request after that initial process?

Also, I’m looking for a young brother as well, so they can play together and never be alone. If you have a newborn to offer maybe, hit me up. Rescue places have too many conditions, as absurd as they would only give me one if I lived at least 150meters away from the street 🤷‍♂️

Kanton Glarus or somewhere relatively nearby.


Posted by miguelrx_71


  1. queen-of-derps on

    I use animalia for my dog and am satisfied so far. I heard mobiliar has good offers as well for insurance.