Tesla and Samsung are considering storing electricity in Cyprus


Posted by aceraspire8920


  1. lasttimechdckngths on

    > The “Great Sea Interconnector”, or power link between Greece and Cyprus, is the third pillar and is anticipated to be the biggest of its type globally. Before deciding to spend a final €100 million in equity, the government is waiting on a cost-benefit analysis from the project promoter, the Greek IPTO.

    Soon enough, they’ll say the obvious: it’s not viable. There’s a viable option but the Cyprus problem bars that to be a thing.

  2. Wait for the EAC “engineers” to tell Tesla and Samsung that it’s not possible, because…., and because…., and because…., ~~and especially because EAC koumbare may lose some money in the process.~~

  3. Finally, something. If they trim away just a 30% of evening peak, that a huge win for reducing load on traditional generation.

  4. awesome_pinay_noses on

    This project will be delivered right after the profits have been collected from the natural gas from oikopedo 12.