Russian Empire 1897 Census
Caucasian Calendar Census from 1917
Sporadic Ottoman Censuses, comment if you need sources for concrete Ottoman figures
Kharberd = Harpoot
Karin = Erzurum
Yerznka = Erzincan
Posted by Ok_Connection7680
1 Comment
None of the 19th century figures of Armenians are correct.
When the Europeans tried to the a census on the number of Armenians, the French left the project midway, and estimated on the Ottoman census, the British copied the French (+Estimated), The Russian copied the British (+estimated), And the Ottomans simply used their own census (which was used in the French one).
I have been searching for the link of this research paper for almost a year now, it was written by the head of the Yerevan Armenian genocide museum. Linked to me by an Armenian trying to disprove what I had said about the census, which led me to read the paper, but forgot to save it.
The paper basically talked about the geopolitical implications of the Census, and why the major powers of the time did censuses the way they did.
Europe wanted to recreate a “Bulgaria” in Armenia (Bulgaria successfully cut off Russian-Ottoman European route), by cutting off the Asian trade route. So since the 1890’s they pushed for a census to “see if the Ottomans are right, and that Armenians aren’t an important majority).
But the Ottomans were able to delay the European census enough so that the British had more interest in preserving the line. Allowing more British investments into the region.
The Russians could not have disagreed with the census since they were presenting themselves as the “saviors of Christians” at the time, but in reality, their participation was simply to undermine the findings, which they realized they didn’t need to do.
The French were the only ones that had not a lot of interest in the region, and an objective to make the Ottomans and Russians weaker. Unfortunately without the backing of the Brits, they saw this as a hopeless project, and simply didn’t pressure the Ottomans to conduct a thorough counting.
It’s also not that hidden that they used each others numbers. In the original English census, it is written that some of the numbers were taken from the French who took most of the numbers from the Ottomans, and in the RUssian one it is said that some of the numbers were taken from the British.
Although all of these were wrong, since the paper shows that there is no correlation between the number of Armenians in the Ottoman census, keeping Armenians at a steady 1-1.2 million from 1880’s+, then completely changing it to lower than that in the 1900;s
While mostly changing the number of “nomadic Turks” to keep the pourcentage of Armenians always low.
One example is in the “Sandjak of Marash”, where the French wrote that the number of Armenians living there was 4300, while only in the city of Marash the number of Catholic and Protestant was 6008, without the Apostolics nor the Muslim Armenians.
If anyone knows which research paper I’m talking about, please link it for me.