1. SerbianWarCrimes on

    You’re misrepresenting the article. It also talks about Kanauchi Zam among other destroyed Armenian cemeteries. It’s Julfa all over again. This article has satellite proof of the destruction of Armenian cultural sites and you’re singling out the Soviet era Armenian-language school, which still counts as it was registered as a historic site.

  2. Neat_Plenty5557 on

    Zo, postu report edib misinformation və propaganda olduğunu yazın. Yoxsa bunların yalanı hələ çox su aparacaq. 

  3. Yes. There is absolutely no destruction going on in Karabakh. Never ever in Nakhichevan. Nothing to see here Europe. Move along…

  4. They made fun of us for 30 years, displaced 700k Azerbaijanis, destroyed every majority Azerbaijani City and now cry what happens in our Land.

    I absolutely support what we are doing in Karabakh.

  5. kurdechanian on

    Article doesn’t claim school as heritage, it says that along with schools, medieval ornaments and gravestones embedded in walls were also destroyed. This is truth, not misinformation.