World Life Expectancy ©

Posted by elgun_mashanov


  1. CalmEquivalent9302 on

    1. Sugary and unhealthy food
    2. Stressful life
    3. Lack of commitment in exercising

  2. No wonder, food is so fatty, and the sweets, and no desire to leave homes due to traditions

  3. datashrimp29 on

    Hər şeydə israfçılıq. Yeməkdə, içməkdə, toyda, stresdə, şəhərdə, tortda. Hər yerdə azza, aptek, topaz.

    Azərbaycanda port baku, içəri şəhər zonasından qiraqda insanlar yaşamır, əziyyət çəkir.

  4. TurbulentBrain540 on

    Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan also rank amongst the top at testesteron levels. I wonder if there’s a correlation.

  5. Fun fact: Az is high on this list because our people don’t like when doctors open up their dead to find out why they died so everyone who died of “natural causes” in Azerbaijan are registered as “died from heart failure”.

    Source: a doctor friend claimed so.

    Source #2: I have lost an aunt, a cousin, an uncle, 2 friends in the last 7-8 years. No of them were autopsied.