My grandparents immigrated for some years from Spain to Yverdon-les-bains, where they worked at the typewriters factory from Paillard/Hermes. Just thought some of you may find them interesting! My grandpa had an A permit and my grandma a B permit.

Posted by Mulhouse_VH


  1. StuffedWithNails on

    Pretty sure that’s what my dad’s C permit looks like, too. I don’t know when it was issued exactly but he married my mom and immigrated in the late 1960s.

  2. Puzzleheaded-Pen4413 on

    Seeing where CH is in comparison to the world today, it could actually be recent permits 😄

  3. Difficult-Heron on

    Wow, documents before the digital era look so easy to fake. I mean if you’ve been born in Thurgau, you easily could’ve changed that to a better canton.