I have a problem. I was classified as fit on May 17th and submitted my application for community service on the same day. It took three weeks because they had problems with the software. Great. Yesterday I received the service notice for July 1st. I’m supposed to start the community service in four weeks. WTF?
I called the community service and they were finally able to confirm my request. Induction days aren’t available until July. This all seems so surreal to me.
I have submitted a request so that I can at least postpone the RS until winter, but I’m sure that won’t be approved. I don’t have any reaction time, so how is that even allowed?
On Armee.ch I have mainly read that you receive the service notice at least 21 weeks before the RS.
I’m making phone calls and writing emails here and there but no one seems to want to help me.
Now I’m here. Is there any way I can swap with someone from here who has an induction day in June? I don’t know how to do that…but I really need an appointment…I’m desperate. So I’m trying everything.
Posted by joelerased
1 Comment
* Ich glaub nit dass abtusche so eifach gaht: Zivildienscht, inkl. Ifüehrigstag isch rechtlich gseh wie Militär, mit Ufgebot und allem.
* LĂĽt diner ZIVI Regionalstell aa und frag se nach Rat. Die kenne jedi Situation.
* Ich weiss net wie’s hĂĽtzutags isch mit dr direkte Zuelassig, aber bi mir damals isch dr IfĂĽehrigstag erscht _nach_ dr Zuelassig gsi.
Sprich: wo me scho in ZIVI ufgnah worde isch. _Bisch_ du denn net scho ufgnah (rechtlich gseh) wenn du vo Iladig zum IfĂĽehrigstag redsch?