That looks very delicious. Do you have a recipe that you can recommend?
pride_of_artaxias on
Բարի ախորժակ 😉
TheJaymort on
Looks good, there’s probably all kinds of chefy ways it can be taken to the next level. Use brown butter, different types of chocolate, etc etc idk I’ve never baked in my life but this cake has a lot of potential to become world famous given how good it tastes.
throwRA786482828 on
Ugh, I’m so jealous right now >_>
Tall_Talk_4734 on
Mikado cake has the same effect on me as crack,after one bite I just can’t stop eating.
Locrafter on
Don’t know bout you but I call it “Մեղրով տորթ” lol
That looks very delicious. Do you have a recipe that you can recommend?
Բարի ախորժակ 😉
Looks good, there’s probably all kinds of chefy ways it can be taken to the next level. Use brown butter, different types of chocolate, etc etc idk I’ve never baked in my life but this cake has a lot of potential to become world famous given how good it tastes.
Ugh, I’m so jealous right now >_>
Mikado cake has the same effect on me as crack,after one bite I just can’t stop eating.
Don’t know bout you but I call it “Մեղրով տորթ” lol
This is on my list.