In 47.3%, the Balkans do not specify what ethnicity, but rather the description was for Slavs.

44% Greek: I am an Albanian of the Vlach minority. I don’t know if the Greeks accept us as their own because they really consider it that way or if it’s just assimilation policy; but that percentage seems very high to me. This explains why I like soufflé.

4.3% Italian gives me an excuse when asked "Will you eat pasta again today?"

3.8% Westasia, probably a consequence of the Turkish occupation. Ancient Persia was also mentioned in the description. I don’t know whether to root for Darius or for Alexander.

Posted by mbretikek


  1. Either_Sock4639 on

    Tipike Vllehe. Vllehet jane përzierje Romake-Ballkanike-Sllave. Sa per lindjen e mesme ndonje ortodoks i lindjes se mesme do jete vendosur ne Ballkan gjate perandorise bizantine ose osmane dhe qe ti e ke paraardhës. Edhe une kam pak prejardhje vllehe 1/8. Te shohim kur te me vije testi.
    Vllehet dhe Greket skane asnje lidhje.

  2. albo_kapedani on

    Unë dola 75% “Grek dhe Italian Jugor , 10% “Ballkanas”, 7% “Italian”, 5% “Hebre Ashkenaz”, 3% “Finlandez” (kjo ishte një wtf, po shpjegon pse jam lesh verdhë).

  3. Odd-Independent7679 on

    Cool. Tash beje nji Big700 ne ftDNA.

    Ose 23andme, se MyHeritage sucks.

  4. Ok-Championship1179 on

    Ndoshta e kam gabim po per sa kuptova un kto rezultate s’do thojn qe je i perzier grek/italian po thjesht tregojn qe gjenetikisht shqiptaret jan shum afer italianevet edhe grekvet dhe i kategorizojn me kto dy grupe, thjesht nuk e di atehere qa kuptini ka ai balkan aty