I came across a FAQ section about salary on the official cantonal website, and I noticed two questions that seem a bit out of place for a government site:
At some point, those two questions are asked:
The colleague who replaced me during my maternity leave was paid almost 25% more than me. When I returned, I asked for the same salary as her, but I was refused it. What can I do ?
The colleague who replaced me during my maternity leave was paid almost 25% more than me. When I returned, I asked for the same salary as him, but I was refused it. What can I do
54: The (female) colleague who replaced me during my maternity leave was paid 25% more than myself. When I came back from my leave, I asked for the same salary, but it was refused, what can I do?
55: The (male) colleague who replaced me during my maternity leave was paid 25% more than myself. When I came back from my leave, I asked for the same salary, but it was refused, what can I do?
The answers to those question are:
54: the situation is much more delicate […] if it is a person who is of a comparable age to yours, the LEG will not help you at all […]
55: The salary difference between your colleague who replaced you and you is a priori sufficiently significant for you to benefit from the likelihood of discrimination […]
Which translate basically to:
54: The situation is way more delicate […] if the person is of comparable age, the LEg won’t help you at all […]
55: The salary difference between you and your colleague who replaced you is significant enough to suggest discrimination […]
I find this is a bit out of place on a government website. I would understand to find these on a lawyer’s firm advertisement website, trying to optimize the salary of their customers using the law but not here.
I find that it would make much more sense to have it as "Colleague (male or female), replaced me (male or female) during an extended break, they were paid more than I…".
I’m curious to hear other point of views about that, maybe I’m a bit nitpicking there?
Posted by Internal_Leke
And what’s the issue with giving pieces of advice 🤔
Can you rephrase and elaborate your question, are you asking about our opinion that the question is answered differently based on the gender of the co-worker?
Something tells me OP is in the men’s rights crazy bunch…
> during an extended brake
I don’t understand your issue but I’m pretty sure maternal leave is legally different and better protected than “breaks” for obvious reasons.
I found it quite weird and non egalitarian that the same context is getting a different answer based on the co-worker gender. It’s disgusting.
As all feminists know, when a man gets paid more than the woman he replaces, it’s always because of his sex. No other factor (age, experience, skill, negotiation skills, the job market at the time of employment) can explain the difference.
Everybody missed the key point. It’s about the Gender Equality Act and a woman replacing another woman. It not about gender equality in case 54, unlike case 55