Posted by NRPhibun2000
I’m waiting on pro Israeli Armenians to comment.
I’m very interested in why they would do this, you’d think this would take ruin support for Israel? Isn’t the Armenian Quarter extremely old? And finally is there a history of this? Genuinely curious
Probably in response to Armenia sending aid to Palestine. What a pathetic apartheid country.
Netanyahu has allowed the ultra conservative and radical racist factions to be the guardrails of what he can do, before although not popular he was just a more staunch policymaker aimed at keeping the status quo and letting some small things slide. But that has changed in the past 4-5 years, his cabinet has allowed illegal settlements that once were prosecuted by law. This means the government is no longer going after but promoting scenes like this by not doing anything because it fits the ultra Hasidic agenda that ALL of Israel needs to be Jewish. It’s the only base that Netanyahu has left. It’s a shame what Israel has become but it’s no excuse that they are quickly becoming the very thing that their people suffered from. Palestine is not perfect either, Hamas are terrorists and deserve to be taken out. But this turmoil and confusion is giving the perfect storm for Israel to get rid of the gazans once and for all. Many Israeli settlers are already making their way to the Gaza border anxious to take over.