The four political forces have formed a united platform of the Democratic Forces Four political forces formed a united platform of the democratic forces

Posted by Lipa_neo


  1. I’m new to reddit, so please correct me if I’m doing anything wrong. I live in Armenia, but don’t yet have Armenian citizenship, so my participation in politics is limited to local elections. I wanted to share the news because in my opinion this is the best option: I am somewhat nikolakan because the so-called opposition is terrible and no, thank you, I don’t want to end up in russia. At the same time, for example Khzmalyan (leader of the European party) criticizes the policies of the current authorities much more intelligently than, mmmm, for example, the former authorities.

  2. GuthlacDoomer on

    Mr. Tigran “Nuke Moscow” Khzmalyan, Aram “Kocho Killed My Bro-Bro” Sargsyan…I’m liking these contenders so far, maybe the only thing to come out of these bagrat protests is the real opposition realizing it needs to get its shit together.

    Having a real opposition can only benefit the country, having a dissenting opinion at the very least would force the ruling authorities to be more transparent and responsive.

    A real political tradition of pro-EUism and liberalism will make it impossible for these kleptocrats to regain power.

  3. People saying this could be a good opposition – inn’t Khzmalyan basically a joke?