Hackers infiltrated the broadcast of the Kremlin military parade on Smart TVs nationwide, replacing it with the following footage


Posted by TotalSpaceNut


  1. Ron_DeSatanist on

    You don’t have to speak the language to get the gist of this video. Awesome job, I love it!

  2. Vogel-Kerl on

    I hope this story is true! It would be awesome and give the average Russian TV viewer a bit of reality about their Special Military Operation in Ukraine.

    Sadly, maybe the mother of the Russian soldier shown blowing himself up with a grenade will recognize him–proof that he is not “missing,” but actual 200 (KIA). A bag of onions is waiting!

  3. Good job Anonymous!!

    This is what the hacker group was made for!! Spreading the truth

  4. TommyTosser1980 on

    Ukraine should do a false flag pudin deep fake.

    Like a fake recording of him badmouthing russians and russian elections in private.

  5. Luv2022Understanding on

    russia as a whole needs to see more of these videos. They can handle seeing the truth. Show them that over 1,000 meat bags are thrown into the grinder every day at putin’s command. Show them that he knows what’s going on and that he does not give a shit about any of them!

  6. coffeespeaking on

    They need to do this more often. Show footage of the drone attacks and the unrecovered bodies of Russians. Show the damage.

  7. suckmyballzredit69 on

    Hell yeah, force them to see the reality they have caused. Can we do American politicians next?