Hello name spec. to attract attention. Asking about buying electronics from the Asian region, is that possible at all, and what would be the customs fee. At the same time, if it is worth it, would the goods work properly in our region of Europe, that is, would Google Play work, would there be no regional sim lock or something similar, and what would happen with the warranty.
I am specifically talking about this option https://www.honor.com/my/tablets/honor-pad-x9/ budget + keyboard for use to complete the mini laptop experience. In Lithuanian stores, for the same price, with a 2-3 week wait, you can buy an inferior version of this model, without keyboard, without sim and without sd card support. This model is interesting precisely because of the keyboard and card support, which is now missing in newer budget tablets. Beto, for this price, a 120hz screen also seems like a good deal. Is there something similar to Shipzee operating in Lithuania, only not from America, but from Asia. Because if you look at amazon, either this model is not available or it is the same without a keyboard and even more expensive.
Posted by Jazzlike_Ad_9443
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