Article (from Il Sole 24 Ore+, subscription required):
Summary for those who can’t read the article (screenshot full article):
as of 31 December 2023, projects worth 4.8 billion euros had been activated, less than 6.5% of the over 74 billion in total from the Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Social Fund Plus (ESF+) for the period 2021-2027. The figure is even more worrying if you look at the actual spending, that is, how much of those 4.8 billion has actually been paid so far: 535 million, 0.7%. And only thanks to the regions because even in this case the programs managed by the ministries are stuck at zero. Among the regions, only the most developed ones managed to spend a few tens of millions of euros and not all of them. “It is urgent to accelerate the programs because in Italy they are almost blocked” said Nicola De Michelis, deputy director general of the Regional Policies DG of the European Commission
«We are in the fourth year of programming and 99% of the resources remain to be spent. It is very difficult to imagine today that the objective of 7 billion in spending necessary to avoid automatic disengagement and still ensure quality can be achieved at the end of 2025″ added De Michelis. It means that, until the end of next year, regions and ministries should spend every two months what they have spent in three years so far. It is physiological that in the first part of the period spending is low. But proof that things – for now – are not going as Minister Fitto has always promised, is the comparison with the 2014-2020 programming which from the beginning had not shone for speed in implementation. In the report attached to the 2017 Def, therefore still halfway through, projects worth 13.5 billion were activated as of 31 January, equal to 26.1% of the total 51.7 billion planned.
Because the implementation is not moving forward
To the historical causes that slow down the spending of European structural funds in Italy, from the initial delays of European regulations to the weak administrative capacity of local authorities and ministries, to the biblical times for public works (ten years for those over 100 million euros), if at least two more have been added. The first, expected, is the effect "displacement" caused by the overlaps with the 194 billion Pnrr plus the 30.6 of the complementary plan: on the one hand they involve and stress the already difficult work of the administrations and on the other they take away projects from the structural funds. The second, which for some insiders is more relevant, are the agreements for cohesion between the ministry and the regions wanted by Fitto. From September to today, 17 have been signed, all – from memory – in the presence of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, giving the right media emphasis to this redistributive policy. Only yesterday, however, were they approved by Cipess.
Posted by giuliomagnifico
Stanno pensando a come riciclarli.
Io non capisco davvero perchè *(anzi, lo capisco benissimo…)* si cerchi di fare opere monumentali *(ogni riferimento a Ponti vari è pienamente voluto)* e invece la politica non si impegna per fare presentare progetti concreti e riuscire a spendere questi fondi Europei appunto.
Spero che chi vota lo capisca ma sembra di no, meglio fare piccole cose e ben fatte che lanciarsi in imprese assurde fatte chissà come che poi portano via tantissime “energie” a livello politico e amministrativo. La Sicilia e la Calabria avrebbero bisogno di tante opere varie, che magari non fanno notizia se fatte una alla volta, ma che tra 10-15 anni (completate e a regime) servirebbero tantissimo alle regione e al paese nel suo complesso. Peccato!
Mi viene in mente il caso del mio comune.
Arrivano i fondi, si decide tra le altre cose di rifare totalmente uno dei viali principali, messo davvero male.
Fanno il progetto, fanno la gara d’appalto, vengono aperte le buste delle offerte, l’appalto viene assegnato, iniziano i lavori, mezza strada ( una delle due corsie ) viene sventrata per controllare anche tutti i sottoservizi e……e una delle aziende che ha perso l’appalto fa ricorso in tribunale, i lavori si fermano ed ora ci troviamo uno dei viali principali a senso unico, con un cantiere fermo in mezzo alle palle.
si chiama *risparmiare per i giorni di pioggia*
Ma gli altri paesi UE invece? Sarebbe interessante un confronto. Avete le cifre?
Io non so più quali santi bestemmiare