ONTONAGON, Mich. (WLUC) – The Ontonagon Health Care Committee updated dozens of residents on a plan for a new hospital Wednesday evening.
The committee of shareholders is working on the next steps to secure a health facility with an emergency room and assisted living. State Representative Greg Markkanen was also present to voice his support. A major requirement is a Certificate of Need.
“A Certificate of Needs first,” says Robinson Rubber Products Company CEO and Project Manager Peter Wolf. “Next is we need to have another hospital sign on to back it, so we have procedures and equipment.”
Wolf notes that they are aiming for a non-profit medical group to sign on to the facility.
The township says it will also need to go to Lansing and Washington D.C. to present its case for the facility. The plan is to build the facility within the Maple Manor Nursing Center. The center was donated to Ontonagon Township by Norman Pestka in August.
“We donated it,” said Pestka. “I put $227,000 of sweat and equity and people helping me to get it cleared up to where it’s at.”
Pestka says the total renovations of the building will still be between $7,000,000 and $8,000,000. However, assistance appears to be coming from Congressman Jack Bergman and others.
“Jack’s got us,” added Ontonagon Township Supervisor Steve Store. “He’s going to get us a bunch of money, Greg’s going to get us some money, so it’s all positive. And Norman’s secured some loans already that we can get, low-interest loans to get going.”
Store also notes that a business plan has been drawn up but will not be presented publicly until the certificate is secured. Another meeting will show off the plan at a later date. The committee is aiming to complete the project by late 2027.
The committee also notes that donations for the project can be sent to the township office.
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