Military Conducts Nighttime Live Artillery Drills Near Inter-Korean Border

Photo : YONHAP News

The military announced Friday that it conducted nighttime live-fire training using 130-millimeter Chunmoo rockets in the Goseong area of Gangwon Province last night.

According to the Army’s 1st Corps, the live-fire exercise targeted an area in the East Sea.

The drills aimed to shore up the military’s response against North Korea’s recent provocative actions, such as sending trashing-carrying balloons and claims of drone infiltrations over Pyongyang.

The 130-millimeter Chunmoo rockets fired during the recent exercise have a maximum range of 36 kilometers and can fire up to 12 rounds at once.

The Army stated that if the enemy provokes it, the South Korean military will respond immediately and retaliate to the end.

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