Seen in Tirana today. As a German I’m not unhappy that “SCHEISSE” is also a term in Albania.

Posted by Gelbbauchunke666


  1. No-Example-5107 on

    This is a poster at a protest for the international media to see. We don’t use it in our everyday conversations. Although you can hardly find an Albanian who doesn’t know what it means. Gesundheit!

  2. vladan_guzica1 on

    Sind halt beide beschissene Politiker. Die eine ist dem Neo-Faschismus anheimgefallen, während der andere Spaten gar keine Prinzipien kennt.

  3. Competitive-Read1543 on

    I have so many questions.
    -why is it in German?
    -why are the cops just looking at it?
    -besides the camps, what are they protesting?