[OC] U.S. Election Results per All Age-eligible Citizens, incorporating disenfranchisement, third-party votes, and Census Survey reasons for non-participation.

Posted by ptrdo


  1. This chart extrapolates upon U.S. Census Survey for “Reasons For Not Voting, By Selected Characteristics: November 2020” and also incorporates an estimate for disenfranchised felons (per state laws), and third-party and write-in votes for persons other than the top two finishers (Biden and Trump). All is based on Federal Election Commission tallies of all votes in the 2020 Presidential election. Stated survey reasons were simplified to fewer words to facilitate word cloud result.


    Data downloaded in CSV and consolidated in Excel (see below). Word Clouds were generated via a variety of R packages and online solutions. Ultimately, a pixel count of exports were done to hone-in on actual percentages (considering word lengths, font weight, and letterforms). Pie chart, word cloud, and legend summary assembled in Adobe Illustrator.

    Federal Election Results, 2020:


    2020 General Election Turnout:


    Voting and Registration Surveys, 2020 (Table 10):


    Working spreadsheet:


  2. Holy shit, please go out and vote. I knew there was a large % that doesn’t vote, but this visual nails it home

  3. The 3 million that forgot, how? It was one of the most discussed events that year. They even had watching parties around the globe. How exactly do you forget an election that people would not shut up about for months? 

  4. Around 2/3 of the nation to thank for where we are today. About half of them are happy Roe is gone, all of them supported its removal with their choice of vote.

  5. If only we could quantify how many of those answers came down to just being lazy and coming up with another reason.

  6. Depends on where these people are effectively for electoral college purposes. No room for complacency as this is a close election. 

    I’d be shocked if Trump wins the popular vote. I would not be shocked if he wins via electoral college despite losing the popular vote by 3M+ though.

  7. Where’s the “Why bother? My state’s electoral votes are going to X no matter what I do.”

  8. 100LittleButterflies on

    I wonder how many of the “Too busy” simply couldn’t get time off work to vote. For people like single parents working two jobs and dependent on public transportation, voting can take a significant chunk of their time.

  9. onelittleworld on

    Modern-day America, in a nutshell… one-third outright fascists, one-third utterly horrified, and one-third either too stupid to understand or simply can’t be arsed.

  10. ConnectInvestment on

    Yeah just imaging how different the US would be if more people voted for Hilary than Trump in 2016, oh wait…

  11. The 82,000 who didn’t like the weather get into your pie, but the 1.8 million who voted for Jo Jorgensen are invisible?

  12. Voter suppression works. To solve – Ranked Choice Voting, Open Primaries, National Voting Holiday, Automatic Voter Registration, Electronic Voting

  13. I live in a house with 4 others, low 20s to mud 40s. Of this house, I am the sole person that watches any of the debates, cares about any of the candidates, discusses politics, etc. None of the others care. Most will vote for someone, but they are not engaged at all in this. I bet I could ask one “Are you planning to vote for Biden?” and she’d probably say “maybe” having no clue he’s not even in the race.

    Many voters don’t understand the importance.