Growing list of Canadian media outlets spreading Russian misinformation and propaganda


  1. There is no need of any media when ur PM is a biggest liar and terrorists are his advisors

  2. canadianmohawk1 on

    They are following the lead by our PM whom is and has been doing the same. Right CBC? Remember what you were told to say about the Convoy being funded by Russia???? I sure do!

    Edit: Links because liberals refused to believe it.


    “At 4:15, there is a question about the possibility Russian actors could be fuelling or instigating a truck convoy protest headed to Parliament Hill.”


  3. I have no doubt that Russian propaganda is used to press on existing frictions

    But the fact there are neo Nazis in Ukraine or that people are unhappy with immigration isn’t some made up story. People use the accusation of propaganda to dismiss legitimate criticism

  4. SnuffleWumpkins on

    We need to seriously just remove Russia from the internet. Like holy fuck are they worthless trash.

  5. NormalBoysenberry220 on

    >”Russian propaganda is attempting to discredit Ukrainians and pressure Western democracies to cut or halt military aid for Kyiv by accusing them of neo-Nazism, a longtime Kremlin propaganda point that has already been dispelled.”

    This bit is kind of ironic. It wasn’t just right leaning media that was pushing the Ukrainians and Azov battalion are Neo-Nazis narrative. That was also left leaning media doing that.

    []( from 2017 CBC

    >”Meantime, the internal battles in the Ukrainian Defence Ministry are focused on corruption and militias — two perennial issues that the country is finally determined to tackle, Sinclair says.

    >”You can’t look at defence reform without looking at the militias,” she says of the powerful paramilitary brigades that operate — at least nominally — under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    >Some of the militias, including the Azov Regiment and Right Sector, are given to displaying far-right and even neo-Nazi symbols that have embarrassed the government and provided ammunition for Russian propaganda. But the Ukrainian government is also painfully aware that their rush to the front lines may have saved the Ukrainian military from total collapse in the war’s disastrous early days.”

  6. Appropriate_Car_3711 on

    Some of this seems a bit iffy at best. I don’t think Russia needs to spread propaganda about mass immigration – we see it all around us and the effect it is having on society. I would like to see more about the research done, who did it, who funded it. As fas as the Russian invasion of Ukraine – I barely even see this mentioned anymore for news on the Israel – Hamas war.

    In the UK recently there were riots about mass immigration – the people who spread disinformation were tracked to Pakistan, and were Pakistani citizens who were apprehended- which was shocking as most people were blaming Russia at the time.

  7. MathildaJunkbottom on

    Russia is an enemy to Canada and all of its supporters and sympathizers and collaborators are enemies to Canada as well and will be treated as such if we come to being at actual official war with Russia (if not now then soon for control of the north). Being a traitor is not a good look

  8. AustralisBorealis64 on

    Hey… I’m firmly pro Ukraine, but this website is HUGELY biased. To the extent that it could be classified as anti-Russian misinformation.

  9. EntertainmentMany795 on

    I m not surprised a ukrainian media group would make such claims. Propaganda about propaganda , nothing new there

  10. JoeCartersLeap on

    Surprised to see all the French language media outlets there. I thought that was Quebec’s whole deal was that they weren’t affected by Russian propaganda.

    Makes sense that they’d target them too though. Russia is all about weakening their enemies by stoking internal divisions.

  11. helpaguyout911 on

    What exactly is Russian misinformation and propaganda? Is it merely skewed stories carried by Russian news outlets being parroted by Canadian outlets the same way they parrot skewed American news? One is propaganda, while the other isn’t?