Ukraine is seriously considering the option of restoring nuclear weapons – BILD


  1. What other alternative do they have? The NPT is dead. Russia attacked a non-nuclear power for territorial conquest and genocide, and the west is seemingly uninterested in committing to stop them. Any country that doesn’t have nuclear weapons, and either wants to remain independent/alive or wants to conquer/genocide their neighbors with minimal interference from superpowers, should be trying to get nuclear weapons as soon as possible.

  2. They should mirror the recently written Russian nuclear doctrine.

    Never mind a genocidal invasion of Ukraine or an attack on its capital, even an insult to Zelensky triggers armageddon. That’s fair isn’t it .?

  3. If it only takes them a few weeks then I’d say they should start today.

    As much as I want no nuclear weapons in the world, the simple fact is that if you have them your enemy will not think twice, but MANY times before attacking you.

  4. The publication points out that during a speech at a meeting of the EU Council, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine’s security can be ensured either by NATO membership or nuclear weapons. German analyst Julian Röpke noted that Zelensky’s statement came as a “blow” and a “shock” to Western journalists. At the same time, he emphasized that the Ukrainian authorities are indeed seriously considering the possibility of restoring nuclear weapons stockpiles

  5. GlitteringHighway on

    The US and Russia promised to defend Ukraine when they gave up their nukes. One country attacked them, the other walks in eggshells to provide support. Lesson for future countries: Don’t give up your nukes.