Advocates fear Alberta’s opt-in bill for sex education will limit important lessons on health and consent


  1. It’s pretty obvious that this was the result back when we did this when I was in school. Lots of teen pregnancies and generally a clueless attitude. We had one of the highest STI rates in Canada if I recall correctly.

  2. BornAgainCyclist on

    Anyone who wants to limit time spent on consent is a little worrisome.

    Not teaching things like that, and recognizing abuse, is how you get legacy school in Saskatoon.

  3. Agressive-toothbrush on

    Places that do not teach sex ed always end up with a wave of teen pregnancies and the miost sexually transmitted infections (STI).

    Teen pregnancies : [](

    STI by state : [](

  4. ~~Being able to opt-out of~~_Being required to opt-in to_ sex ed is a recipe for an increase in sexual assaults and teen pregnancies. There’s no evidence whatsoever to support ignorance among teenagers and preteens as a method for reducing negative outcomes.

    What this amounts to is parents who are _disgusted_ by the notion that their children might learn about the existence of sexual orientations and gender identities that they don’t find acceptable, and so they are willing to allow for a _certain_ increase in rapes and unplanned pregnancies just because they’re so deeply troubled by the genitals under other people’s clothing.

    _Edit: give your head a shake sometimes, green_tory, and double check your work._