Toyota’s swappable hydrogen fuel cartridges offer unlimited EV range


  1. So.. where are we supposed to buy more swappable hydrogen fuel cartridges? the toyota store?

  2. Hydrogen – the fuel source that even in the ideal world when it’s all green, is still not as efficient as direct electric.

    The conversion losses, transport costs, storage systems etc will destroy at the price and efficiency.

    Hydrogen is nasty stuff. It destroys metals, leaks through smallest cracks, has high ignition range, explosive etc.

  3. The thing I don’t understand about hydrogen is why wouldn’t you just use natural gas harvested from waste reclamation and agricultural byproducts? It’s coming from carbon that was synced sometime with in the last year, so it’s net carbon neutral.

    Most of the hydrogen we get today doesn’t come from electrolysis of water, it comes from gas. Are we building electrolysis plants that run on solar, or geothermal or something? Otherwise it’s just gas with extra steps.

  4. Longjumping_Kale3013 on

    For electric cars, I always wondered why don’t they swap batteries at a station instead of recharging? Like if I have a Tesla, why can’t I drive up to a Tesla station that will pull out the old battery and put in a new fully charged one? I get that different manufacturers have different batteries, but in this example it would just be Tesla, so seems like it could work, no?