Harris catches Fox News edit of Trump’s ‘enemies from within’ threat



  1. Yousoggyyojimbo on

    That’s really pathetic of Fox to try. If she didn’t catch it immediately, they’d get blasted for it almost immediately after the fact.

    They don’t have a lot of success with edited or altered clips historically, so this was some desperate dishonest shit.

  2. Fox News was trying to have the debate they wanted Trump to have, and it still fell flat.

  3. Now I want to see Trump get interviewed by Maddow. Though, many people are saying Trump is 🐔💩

  4. throwaway528371 on

    How does shit like this fly.. using an extremely misleading sound bite to try to manufacture a “political moment” for their wildly successful propaganda is slimy as hell. Their perception of who Donald Trump is and what he says is so wildly inconsistent with reality.

    I can’t believe Fox News is taken so seriously by a decent size of this country.

  5. There’s been numerous clips of him this past week saying it. Fox thinks no one has the internet or watches the news.

  6. I watched, it was great. He tried to talk over her, she waited and started back making her points. She was ready for the gotcha moments. The clip didn’t make any difference, she was ready for it.

    I’m going to guess that they went back to all the Pete interviews on Fox and looked at they ways they tried to discredit him and prepped her.

    She did well, time for the orange surrender monkey to go visit Rachel.

  7. Those despicable, dishonest, America hating slobs. This is a level of dishonesty that is almost impossible to believe. They tried to use a clip of Trump to prove he didn’t call Americans “the enemy witnin” and used a clip of him *actually saying exactly that* but cut the part out. Fucking unbelievable.

  8. BarcusDogrelius on

    FOX is dangerous and stupid. But we already knew that.

    It’s just so… weird that they would even attempt that. Are they not aware of the mere possibility that, if they air it, someone might watch it?

    They didn’t think Kamala would see it? Are they going to let Trump say that she’s not intelligent, because that’s the only way they could save face (if they cared)? They already aren’t taken seriously as a “news” organization, are they going to feel embarrassed since she could literally tell that they edited the clip they showed?

    Like, way to play yourselves.

  9. Bold of them to be deceptive so directly, didn’t know Fox was willing to take that risk and stoop that low.

  10. ranchoparksteve on

    This was a remarkably perceptive catch by Kamala Harris. Amazing! At the same time, Trump is hosting music appreciation of Broadway tunes.

  11. I am.not a big fan of Harris, but she is an absolute top prosecutor that puts criminals in shivers just seeing her in court.

    Fox news is strupid to try to pull this cheap crap with her. It’s guaranteed she will catch it and turn it around.

    It seems like fox news just can’t learn. They try this with Pete all the time and they just don’t get that cheap trick won’t work on people that’s much smarter than you. It will catch morons like trump but not with anyone with some level of intelligence.

  12. PoeBangangeron on

    Elon’s activated his million bot army on X to say she got killed in this interview when it was the total opposite. Good God this is tiring.

  13. jeanvaljean_24601 on

    For what I’ve seen so far, she totally crushed it. She was articulate, engaging, forceful, and was not taking shit from anyone, precisely what you’d expect from a commander-in-chief.

    Take a stroll through conservative circles though. They saw a completely different thing. For some reason, they think that this interview will end her campaign. They are deluded into seeing whatever it is they want to see.

  14. It’s crazy to me that Baier kept trying to talk over her, instead of listening to her responses, while also giving loaded question after loaded question. “If half of this country is supporting Trump, does that mean they’re misguided? Are they stupid?” 🙄 🙄 🙄

  15. ThickerSalmon14 on

    I’m proud of Harris. She went down into the foxes den, faced off with a bear, and won. As a republican I’d be happy with her as the president.

  16. NolanSyKinsley on

    Idiots over on r/republican are saying “Harris campaign is OVER after disasterous interview!”, they are so fucking delusional.

  17. Holy crap. I don’t watch Fox News, but is that interviewer even a real person? He looked like a spiteful goblin with a deepfaked face stretched on top to create the illusion that VP Harris wasn’t actually just talking to a creature born from a wizard’s manic dark magic wish.

  18. Ornery-Ticket834 on

    They rigged it , she caught it and called Baier out on it saying you and I both know what he has been going around saying. He was silent.

  19. Yes, this edit in particular was a breach of journalistic ethics. So misleading to cut the opening part where he actually confirmed the “enemies from within” yet again!

  20. NarfledGarthak on

    That was chickenshit. Basically tell him to walk the statement back and then play only that clip to refute what was initially said.

    “Well, we asked him”. Gimme a fucking break.

    That’s a new level of gaslighting. Refuting a claim by showing footage of a different interview than the one where his objectively awful statement was made. Make as well show the footage where he stares at the sun and then say “he never said that in the video”.