Major retailers spend millions hiring Winnipeg police officers on OT to stop shoplifters


  1. theBubbaJustWontDie on

    The three biggest clients were Superstore, Walmart and the province of Manitoba. So the government and the giant corporations who have helped make life so unaffordable theft is on the rise. Yep. Checks out.

  2. There’s got to be a way to get judges to lock up repeat thieves and keep them locked up. Anyone arrested three times for shoplifting has shown that they will not respect other people or the laws of Canada. It’s time these people were stopped. Clearly the only way to do that is to put them in jail.

  3. Welcome to the *low-trust, soft-on-crime* utopia folks…Guess who’s (indirectly) paying those $juicy$ OT hours?!

  4. This never used to happen to the extent it does now when store employees would detain and hold shoplifters for police.

    Some stores employed loss prevention officers who were quite comfortable making an arrest for shoplifting. They’d then call police who would attend and take over the arrest and charges were usually laid.

    Malls had security who would also have no problem attending a store and arresting shoplifters on information received from store employees. They’d then call police who would attend and take over the arrest and charges were usually laid.

    Other stores just winged it but would definitely chase down and detain shoplifters for police.

    Back then there were potential consequences and therefore a balance.

    Then somewhere along the line businesses got queasy about stopping shoplifting due to liability and lawsuits filed by shit rats when they were roughed up on the rare occasion by store employees. Usually as a result of resisting their detainment.

    So the result was no contact to be made by employees in detaining the shoplifters and no realistic effort to thwart the crime or even go into the parking lot in an effort to get a license plate.

    So very little consequences and great rewards emboldened the shit rats and here we are in the current situation we face.

  5. So because law enforcement isn’t catching criminals who steal, law enforcement gets hired to stop criminals who steal?

  6. They should start taking assets away from the theives and put them in forced labor to recoup costs.

  7. Why not hire loss prevention/in-house security and pay them a living wage instead of outsourcing cops? Security as a deterrent works