South Australian upper house narrowly votes down late-term abortion law amendments


  1. It was never going to get anywhere in the lower house regardless of what happened here anyway. It was all internal Liberal politics.

  2. The real win for the Libs is in getting to decide how we talk about abortion. The media is now giving examples of women who had good reasons to need an abortion, which means forced birthers can now just try and argue for good vs bad reasons, rather than having to explain why they should have a say in someone else’s healthcare at all. Fucking ghouls.

  3. Horrific this was even considered. . . Even more so the 10-9 vote . I hope the political opponents of those 9 flag this front and centre of any future elections.

  4. catch-ma-drift on

    How did it even get to 10-9 in upper house when the bill had literally zero medical consultation. That is shameful.

  5. Yetanotherdeafguy on

    Can we please stop importing US culture war bullshit?

    We’re not perfect, but at least we have our shit together more than America – bringing their crap over here only makes us sink to their level.

  6. Hot-shit-potato on

    Abortion means different thing to different people.

    One of the things that stuck out to me when growing up in the South with lots of low income kids, especially girls who were on the pill and coached by Shine SA is that the vast majority viewed abortion as ‘a necessary evil but it was not for me’ regardless of what they were taught by sex ed teachers or Shine SA.
    This was also what I heard from a lot of teen mums. Even now 10-15years on when they’re in their early 30s (mixed with, I’m glad I kept them)

    On the face of it, forced abortion getting 9-10 and just missing seems weird when viewed through the lens of ‘Abortion is a woman’s health care’ but if you view it through ‘necessary evil’, any option that is provided that enables you to bypass that ‘evil’ will get some votes.

    Christ – Cons (plus the other growing religious groups) are absolutely leveraging any option they can think of to justify outlawing abortion.
    I think the argument needs to be made about the harms of unnecessary forced birth, to sway people away from thinking it’s a good idea.

  7. Only 5 women have even done this in south australia. 

    I personally know a women who went ahead birthing a babe they were told would not make it. Her child died within hours of birth. The medical professionals were correct in their assessment. But no one is forcing a women to terminate, ever!

    This bill was full of bullshit medical misinformation and it is a disgrace that it is even being “debated” again. The science is settled, the current laws have already been fully discussed and are ethical and empower the mother. 

    The people playing with this as a political issue have never sat all night with a dying child as i have many times. Fuck them