Abortion laws, housing prices and ‘slogan salad’: Five takeaways from Queensland’s election debate

Posted by HotPersimessage62


  1. “Are house prices too high?”

    >Mr Miles: Yes they are.

    >Mr Crisafulli: They are, because of the —

    >Mr Miles: Yes or no?

    >Mr Crisafulli: It’s a yes, but I do have the intellectual rigour to answer as well.

    >Mr Miles: If only.


  2. This time I’ve decided to vote Liberal because of some horrible attack on my family that has nothing to do with Labor but since we ripped the playbook out of the Republican Party all I need to do is harp on about crime and boomshanka moron old people will vote…. /s

  3. It was actually not a bad debate from both of them but god Crisafulli really comes across as smug. It must be an LNP thing.

    Crisafulli really did try to rely on a bit of a scare campaign regarding youth crime and his adult crime means adult time thing and hospital ramping but Miles called him out regarding the stats. Also Miles did bring up a few decent points such as there was no outline of the LNP budget regarding how everything will be paid for and what cuts they’ll make. This is a guy that was part of the Newman govt that cut things left right and centre so they will be gutting things for sure which nobody will know until way too late.

    Miles I thought tried a bit hard with his witty remarks but overall I think he came out in front on this one.

    I personally would like to see what Miles can do with a full term under his belt. Crisafulli has done well in targeting his base fairly well via all these scare campaigns regarding youth crime etc though.