So, I’ve been using the mentioned Labello since elementary school, I’m in my thirties now, that says it all. I didn’t buy it for a while because I stuffed myself with lipsticks, glosses and all kinds of wonders for the mouth (addiction), so I decided to use it all up first and then buy a new one when I need it. And so, little by little, I used up most of it, lost some in my bags, and today I’m buying a new Labello cherry shine. It is no longer the same L as it used to be, nor the color, nor the shine. I used to be able to comfortably use it instead of lipstick for a daily look, as it was pigmented, now I have to apply it 20 times to see some poor reddish shade. What happens? Has any other girl or woman noticed the same thing?

Posted by streetofdreams26


  1. Imas jos uvijek dobar isto visnja, nezz jel labello ili sta ali na njoj je minnie mouse. Crveno izvana na tockice kupila u DMu. Dnevni ruz i dobro nahrani usput.

  2. Meni je labello uvijek bilo precijenjeno. Ajde da budem iskrena, koristila sam dugo onu blackberry nijansu, ali kad sam počela nešto drugo koristiti i vratila se na labello baš mi je bilo loše.

    No općenito s proizvodima ako idu napraviti bolje i ekološkije zapravo ispadne lošiji proizvod. Doživila to i s maskarom i puderom. Kao da namjerno prave lošiju formulu.

  3. xGentian_violet on

    Nikad nisam koristila labello. Bolji mi je balzam L’Angelica badem i pamuk

    al nije da ciljam na boju s njim, tako da cisto za ispucane usne, i sta je zdravo imat na ustima tako i greskom pojest

  4. nightmarishly_myself on

    Nisam nikad bila fan Labella, tbh. Meni je najdraze labelo ono Alverde od nevena u žutom pakiranju, ali mi je otkrice Balea Sun Dance labelo sa SPF 30 za kojeg mi je zao kaj nisam uzela vise komada jer je dio samo ljetnog asortimana i nemaju ga stalno u ponudi. 🙁

    Htjela bi probat iduće probat L’Angelica labela jer su navodno dosta dobra.