Spotted at Monash Uni. Imagine having a mental health crisis and you see this.

Posted by hetero-scedastic


  1. Eat this ultra processed chocolate that will give you a temporary sugar high than crash leaving you feeling like shit and more hungry

  2. I assume the issue is the KitKat slogan.

    When you’re going through shit, hearing “Have a break, Have a kitkat usually does the opposite of its intended meaning

  3. R U OK was always and will always be a joke. Are you okay? No? Report to HR for disciplinary action you’re bringing down morale. Sponsored by Nestlé who kills children for fun. Awesome.

  4. QouthTheCorvus on

    There is sort of a weirdness to mental health stuff being used as a platform


    In the same token, Monash has limited resources when it comes to mental health programs. If a corporation is willing to pitch in, the practical gains are what matters most.

    Is it ideal to have to rely on corporations? No. But it’s a solution in our current world.

  5. accouncavcountac on

    I have an idea for a new mental health day. It’s called U R OK Day – it’s the one day a year when everyone minds their own business.

  6. whatttt???? bro if im going through it and saw this i will cry and run in there for help with no hesitation. Some people eventually do it because nobody checked on them and thought they are “OK”. This thing actually saves lives. More than you thought there will be.

  7. ZappBrannigansTunic on

    Nestle have done many awful things.

    Their brand on a banner while paying to support mental health is not one of them.

  8. Someone has to pay for it. It’s not like the people available to help you are incentivised to make you buy more KitKats.

    It fits with their “take a break” brand and honestly, why not? Money for mental health is always a good thing.

  9. As someone who’s had issues with mental health issues in the past. I honestly despise the attitude of ‘R U OK?’. Yes we should check in with friends, relatives, colleagues etc. But it’s something that should be done with discretion and respect to the person’s privacy. The last thing a person with anxiety or depression wants is their inner demons exposed to the world.

    The whole premise, especially in a corporate event, feels like everyone is supposed to say “YES! I’m ok, I have no sadness, only joy!” and then everybody claps and mental health is solved… I get the feeling events like this only push those kinds of issues deeper and creates more problems. Or even worse they become trauma porn for other people when they should be seeing a professional therapist instead.

  10. If I were having a mental health episode i would rather it be a Vegemite toast sign instead of kit kat imo

  11. Kit Kat’s owner, Nestle, is so awful that it has its own wiki page for Controversies:

    * slavery,
    * child labor,
    * incidents of contaminated and infested food products,
    * preventing access to non-bottled water in impoverished countries,
    * actively spreading disinformation about recycling,
    * illegal water-pumping from drought-striken Native American reservations,
    * price fixing,
    * extensive union-busting activity, and
    * deforestation.


  12. I did some stuff for R U OK and even applied to become an ambassador. Then I decided I’d never do anything for R U OK ever again.

  13. LoadBearingPoser on

    First thought ‘gross, inappropriate’. Second thought ‘if you want to engage undergrads, free chocolate is the way’

  14. Would be okay with it if the logos were switched. The sponsor logo never should be in a bigger and better spot

  15. This mental health crisis is proudly brought to you by KITKAT!

    “Have a break, Have a full blown mental break from reality”.

  16. ThatShouldNotBeHere on

    I put on a RUOK day event at work last year, then went on Workcover a month later because of mental health issues caused by lack of support from management during a threatening situation at work.

  17. Then-Professor6055 on

    Have a break or breakdown. Have a Kit Kat.

    Jokes aside, I am all for raising awareness of mental health support. If this helps, then that is great

  18. R u ok day is important and it’s not a joke. If it’s getting money then that’s a good thing. I always remember a time in homeroom we had to ask each other r u ok? I was young and chatting with my friend and I who both took it as a joke I looked at him snickering and asked if he’s okay he laughed back and he asked the same about me to which I said yes. I knew of the seriousness of mental health but hadn’t had it impact me or others around me. That same friend died due to mental health matters a few months later. I really wish I didn’t take it as a joke and I wish he didn’t feel like he had to either.